My Approach

I see myself as a transformational guide, willing to travel with my clients to the depths of their journeys and guide them through their own transformation.

My work is rooted in teaching what I have already embodied and experienced. I have been doing my own inner work in this realm for the past two decades. My own process of self-exploration, curiosity and healing serves as the foundation for the work I do with others. My teachings are based both on extensive knowledge and training, and on my own life experiences.

I walk my talk. I strive to be a woman who is fully embodying her own power and model that for the women I work with. Wherever possible I fully express myself with honesty, integrity, and authenticity. I am happy to be weird, warm, and welcoming - as needed.

I am deeply empathic. I am good at identifying what others need, picking up on subtle energies, and intuitively knowing where peoples’ edges are. This allows me to be highly skilled at creating and holding safe spaces. I am interested in going deep and not staying only with the superficial. And, at the same time, I am committed to making this work fun and enjoyable. I can cross the bridge between depth and levity and hold space for this duality of experiences.

I trust the power of simply sitting outside listening to the birds, feeling the wind on my face, and appreciating the beauty of a sunset. I am curious, like a child, always noticing what is around me and wondering at what it has to offer. And I embody the primal wherever I can, from moving my body through dance to jumping in a winter river.

The two approaches I most value and rely on are yoga and shamanism. Yoga is an integral part of my life, it is through yoga that I support my clients to feel present and connected with their bodies. I see shamanism as being simple and accessible, while also being deeply powerful. Shamanic practices can help us deeply connect with our souls and receive messages from this place of power. Using shamanic practices, I take my clients on a journey to different realms. Together we experience traveling inward, and then returning back out - skills which my clients can then return to again and again in their own lives.

Shamanism helps me to remember I am and come back to my power and my purpose.

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